LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

Problem with Private Messenger

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--- Quote --- you could always save it to a text document.
--- End quote ---
Are you kidding?! I'm not saving that heaping helping of hatred to *my* hard drive.


i dont think the email works eather check that too

OK I think I finally fixed the problem, even though I deleted all the messages in my inbox and sent folder by hand I had to go to"Empty PM Folders" and delete everything again.

I can now recieve messages but  I lost some of the scripts people sent to me to fix.

Right now I have Lord Elessars cut scene script. Are there any other I need to be working on? Just PM me.


Nathan....can you please fix the PM script that keep giving false errors?


Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote --- Okay, I did a bit more poking around about this, and found that, while is can't *see* any messages in my mesenger, the forum seems to be storing some 60-odd messages I can't access. I'd use the empty folders thing, but one PM I received is so unspeakably foul, I must preserve it.

But something is definitely rotten in the state of PM.

--- End quote ---
same thing happened to me;

heres what i did
on the side little control bar tehre are a number of options; one of them is empty pm folders click that and you should be able to figure the rest out

Lord Elessar


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