Other > Random Ranting

Pot Slows Cancer

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Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---Oh, so you read it somewhere eh? Please post a link to your information, as Mercy was so kind to do, so we can compare sources.

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I believe I said it was two years ago. Nor would I care; I do not smoke it. It doesn't concern me, what concerns me is anything I can get a laugh out of, thus far I've been decently humored. I think I read the article in school, I wouldn't know where they got it either. Though they probably printed it off from the net somewhere, I don't know that for sure, and don't really care either. It was your assumption that I read it on the internet, or that I would even remember something so meaningless to me over a course of two-years in the form of a source for information it's surprising I remember in the first place. :lol: Sure, that does happen, but just because it happens doesn't mean it happens with everything or often even.

--- Quote ---Why, yes I am.
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Hypocritical statements only serve to humor me. :)

Now, I'm off to finish checking forums and when I am done, probably play Mastermind with my fiance. I'll be happy to read any other comments that might amuse me after I return but, in the event that there are no replies at all, I should state ahead of time that


P.S. Drugs are bad for you! :lol:


--- Quote ---Though they probably printed it off from the net somewhere, I don't know that for sure, and don't really care either. It was your assumption that I read it on the internet, or that I would even remember something so meaningless to me over a course of two-years in the form of a source for information it's surprising I remember in the first place.
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Translation: "I made it all up in my head."

--- Quote ---P.S. Drugs are bad for you!
--- End quote ---
Maybe, but how do you explain how you got so fucked up?


Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---Translation: "I made it all up in my head."

Maybe, but how do you explain how you got so fucked up?

--- End quote ---
So what you're really saying is: "I've smoked myself stupid. That's why I can't understand... Hallucinations aren't hard for me, they come naturally." Ooooh! What else will you tell us about yourself?

Yeah, I can play childish games too. :lol:

My mother's side of the family. By the way, my mother, aunt, uncle, grandma, my other aunt (all aunts and uncles are half-siblings to my mother) have all tried and still use various forms of drugs... and I'm focusing mostly on the illegal kinds. Although most are frequent pot smokers, including my mother, most also no longer use the worse kinds. However, I'm sure one aunt and one uncle still use a couple of the worse kinds at least occasionally. All the drugs are including but not limited to cocaine, marijuana, heroine, acid, meth, and mushrooms. Yes, the list does go on, but those are some of the more common ones. Of course, alcohol and tobacco as well, but I did not list those for obvious reasons. This is one reason I have never done drugs, as it is likely that it is in my blood for addictions to be strong and hard to break away from.

You may assume that the drugs play a part in this entire side of my family being fucked up if you like, but I think that is only a small contributor. I think that it only contributes per individual who uses on this side of the family, it simply fucks them up more where they were already fucked up to begin with.

So now that I've explained my speculation as to why I am so fucked up, why are you?


--- Quote ---Yeah, I can play childish games too.
--- End quote ---
Accusing you of propagating complete fabrications by trying to pass them off as facts is hardly childish. In fact it's just another day on LM when HeLL's raving opinions are shot full of holes.



--- Quote ---raving opinions are shot full of holes.

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The sock gnomes that live in my dryer mated with my neighbors rainbow lawn flamingos and with the help of a mutant fence pole have devised a way to make strawberry swimsuits out of earthworms and molasses. Hence showing that .3019 + green = a stuffed rhinoceros .


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