LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

=/ I'm gonna be gone a little while....

<< < (4/5) > >>

Elessar Telrunya:
awww hell it didnt work....


hrm...crap i g2g do my school hw..sorry i couldn't be of help

Elessar Telrunya:
its ok.... anyone else who has help to offer i would really appreciate it!

cracks in my link dont work?  :blink:
download the last one (1.62 ENG version) i think it works  :)  

Okay kiddies,

Please keep the forum rules in mind, in particular:
This is not a site for warez!

And don't give me anything about "cracks aren't warez." Neither Bioware nor Nathan want you posting NWN cracks. What you do behind closed doors in email is your business, but keep it off the forums.



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