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=/ I'm gonna be gone a little while....

(1/5) > >>

Elessar Telrunya:
hey guys, just so you know my brother is being an ass-hole again and hid the hotu disk cuz i was about to go somewhere and i told him to wait till i left to get the computer....

so... im not gonna be on playing untill i can get him to let me play again...(hopefully i'll be able to get mom to force him to stop hiding it :rolleyes: )

Untill then....
Lord Elessar :(  

bah i'm used to it >.>

You use the CD?! wow.

Elessar Telrunya:
*is confused*??? what do you mean of course i use a cd!

*walks off still confused*


--- Quote --- *is confused*??? what do you mean of course i use a cd!

*walks off still confused*
--- End quote ---
Maybe u can download a crack "no CD" by here:

*Edit: removed link*


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