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The DQ by me has food and icecream but I dont see how making it into a sitdown restaurant would make the place any more desirable.

Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---The DQ by me has food and icecream but I dont see how making it into a sitdown restaurant would make the place any more desirable.
--- End quote ---
Actually, I've heard the sitdown restaurants are quite nice. And it's not the same fast food restaurant with the only difference being you sit down, get waited on, and have a menu... that would be a load of shit.

Also, every DQ store you find is going to be different. It's like going to a completely different restaurant with the exception of finding alot of the same products and product names. This is because it's part of a franchise, but the store owner has alot more freedom than the customer usually realizes... what products they choose to make is mostly up to them, but they have certain restrictions and guidelines they must follow depending on location and other factors. For instance, we cannot have cheese curds at the DQ store where I work at, because the franchise says they are unavailable to our region. Wisconson on the other hand... most stores I know of are able to have them. You're able to have so many products, and often if you want to provide a certain type of product, you have to sacrifice another that you already have. The whole deal is pretty simple to understand, but there's alot to it. Basically, you have the owners of the DQ stores, regional managers, inspectors, people who work for the franchise who check out the individual stores and judge quality, cleanliness, etc. etc. and then you have different store types, the owners have to follow the rules and guidelines of the franchise, and cannot do whatever they want to, but at the same time, they have a certain amount of freedom and choices that alot of customers don't know about. Besides that, every owner buys what they need, so there is different types of cooking machines, some still use a grill, many use Nieco's. Everything varies from the way the buns are toasted, to what types of icecream toppings there are for blizzards, sundae's, etc. If you go up another level, the quality of the employees, if they do good work or not, whether they are screwing off most of the time, or making you quality food. Whether or not your food has been sitting in warmers for an hour, or whether you just got everything fresh. Believe it or not, the employees have a huge impact on the end product.

I know on trips to Washington state I've visited DQ's before... my sister absolutely hated them... often the burgers were small, and the buns seemed rubbery. The food sucked. The DQ where I live though, thankfully, has far better food, but I've seen food sent out to people that looks like shit before. And our night shift is the shift that is often worked with no manager, so the people working are teenagers who goof off and don't do a good job, as a result, people get poor products and poor service. But at least, it's not as bad as the others ones I've been to in the past.

End point, now that I am done rhambling for no visibly apparent reason... every DQ store is different, as is likely with any individual store that is a part of any franchise. Judging the entire franchise based on one store is a useless concept, because eventually, if you eat out enough... you'll have no franchise stores you'll want to visit, because you'll have found a bad one for every franchise.

Anyway, my fiance was just trying to summon a skeleton warrior out of a dire boar. As in, clicking to summon it on the boar... :lol:


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