Other > Hellgate: London

Hellgate Screen Shots

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My Blademaster DoubleDeuce finally got his crit aura which goes nicely with his crit surge and crit swords.

Here is a pic of my evoker Zoroaster using one of the armor dye colors.


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Check out this gun that shoots circular saw blades!

You can see the dust where it rebounded off the side of a building.

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[attachmentid=1508][attachmentid=1509]Two images, one at the resolution i can play at the other at the one i wish i could play at.

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--- Quote ---Two images, one at the resolution i can play at the other at the one i wish i could play at.
--- End quote ---
Wow, I didn't realize what a huge difference the low texture settings had. I've heard some people have turned down the textures just so areas will load faster.

Here is my engineer at level 18 finally being able to equip dual raptors with his stat load next to it.

and here is a special Christmas image of Techsmith0 wearing pink cammy and sporting a blue mohawk!

Merry Christmas from Techsmith0![/color]


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Here is a screenshot of my engineer's drone using a grappler/cricket bat combo!


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