Author Topic: Character Build Discussion  (Read 8179 times)

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Character Build Discussion
« on: July 08, 2008, 05:59:18 PM »
This thread is to post specific character builds or build ideas. Feel free to post questions or comments.

Fawkes Igniter Build
This build is my newest character, not including mules. The idea is to pile on the ignite strength in order to max out my dps (damage per second). Ignite is arguably the best "elemental effect" in the game because an ignited creature loses 5% health a second. Since it's based on a percentage of the targets total life it's very effective against the big bosses with massive health and damage reduction.

I decided to go with a Marksman partially due to the fact I was finding a lot of Fawkes items for the Hunter faction. Fawkes items are armor pieces with the Fawkes mod which adds ignite strength. Fawkes items only drop for subscribers but can be used by anyone. In addition, the Marksman has two skills that boost his elemental effects, Elemental Vision and Elemental Beacon. One lowers the enemies resistance while the other boosts elemental strength.

Fawkes Helm, shoulders, chest, belt, pants, boots - Total Ignite: 404

Fawkes Flameguards (unique gloves) - Total Ignite: 115

Lee's Lightlance (6 mod slots) -  Total Ignite: 666

Total Ignite from Equipment: 1185

Elemental Vision Skill (max lvl 10): 150% Elemental Attack Strength (1185 x 150% = 1778)

Affliction Expertise (max lvl 4): 28% Elemental Attack Strength (1185 x 28% = 332)

Modified Ignite Strength:  1185 + 1778 + 332 = 3295

Additional Information
In addition to delivering 3295 ignite strength at 10 shots per second, the Elemental Beacon skill (max lvl 10) lowers a targets elemental resistance by 1012. Also, with maxed Napalm and Smackdown tactical strikes I can lay down a 1485 ignite strength field of fire that lasts for 9 seconds.

A point into Multishot allows me to triple the bullets and Napalm strike, effectively tripling the ignite strength.

I can keep a target continually ignited, even the super boss monsters like level 52 Moloch. This makes it possibly the fastest killing machine in the game.

Using all Fawkes items greatly weakens my defense as a big Fawkes modifier may be on a relatively crappy item. Because of this I did not equip the biggest ignite strength armor I have since I decided to go with a few items with slightly lower Fawkes mods but with some really nice additional mods. But I'm still hoping the best defense is a good offense.

Also, the willpower required to mod a 6 slot Lee's with all 100+ ignite strength mods is ridiculous but I plan on investing in the Willpower expertise to try and cram a bit more ignite strength onto the build. Though I do like the fact that it's 666 on the Lee's, seems more inferno-like.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2008, 06:04:34 PM by 420 »