LucidMagic > News & Annoucements
Computer Stuff now moderated
To help deal with those bots that actually make it through email verification (there are some that do), new topics in the Computer Stuff forum (cause they all seem to post there) require moderator approval. This shouldn't be a big deal as I check the boards rather regularly. Can HeLL and Throbble please provide me with an email address where notifications of topics awaiting approval can be sent to. Of course only if you wish to receive these notifications. As the PM system is still broken, please send that info to
Soul Sojourner:
I get so much spam though, hopefully I won't delete any when doing my regular inbox purification. Well, it's not too big of a deal come to think of it, as long as I notice that there are some, it shouldn't matter what it says, I think I can check that here. I'm uncertain how this version treats moderator approval sections, but I'm pretty sure I can do everything from here. It probably invisies them. Older versions had the moderator CP, and Mod Querie.
As far as I can tell you need to check the forum for new unapproved topics.
Soul Sojourner:
Then that's nothing to be concerned over. If I see an e-mail, then I'll know to look, and don't even need anything else from the e-mail. Perfect.
Anywho, why are you enabling topic moderation? I mean, if a few bots from time to time (as you make it sound) get past the e-mail verification, that's not hard to take care of. If it's a mass assault of numerous bots, on the other hand, then I understand.
lol ...I don't want any bots! ZERO ZILTCH
There should be an option to force a members first post to require moderation...but alas...nada in this as far as I can tell
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