That's just an Include File with custom functions for spellhook scripts. Ignore its existence.
Make a brand new script and just copy and past my code into it.
Ok this is what I have done, I have made a completely new module, with no scripts in it. I have then set the Global Variable-- a string.
To this: X2_S_UD_SPELLSCRIPT string myspellhook
I have then created a new script and called it this: myspellhook
Then the code in the script looks like this
#include "x2_inc_switches"
void main()
int nSpell=GetSpellId();
  if(GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "DPTime") == 1)
    FloatingTextStringOnCreature("Divine Power can only be cast once every 10 rounds.", OBJECT_SELF, FALSE);
    SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "DPTime", 1);
    DelayCommand(60.0, ExecuteScript("dptimeup", OBJECT_SELF));
After that I have created a script called: dptimeup
with this code in it
void main()
DeleteLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "DPTime");
I then compiled all scripts and built mod and saved, it then still did not work.