Neverwinter Nights > NwN Building
help with scripting
i sort of need *some* help with scripting, but i'd also like more of an input into what to put in my Lyrasia mod <-shutup about the name :P if ya have time's ya could help i'll host it on my B*tchin 56k dialup <_<
--- Quote ---i sort of need *some* help with scripting, but i'd also like more of an input into what to put in my Lyrasia mod <-shutup about the name :P if ya have time's ya could help i'll host it on my B*tchin 56k dialup <_<
--- End quote ---
What kind of mod is it? Role Playing, PvP, action, social?
What category doyou post it in on GameSpy?
I'll come by and take a look sometime.
it'll be in the default Action....the server would be Warcraft <-i :wub: Warcraft
module kinda like GS there is a tileset for combating, right now i'm trying to get the friggin area transitions to work <_< but i do plan on makin more of an adventure area
-Module Parts completed (as in most scenery is placed)-
*Lyrasia Capital
*Lyrasia Courtyard
*Sit scripts
*Weather scripts
*Khadgar's Castle <-i got the armory and a hallway.... \o/ my pad is huge :rolleyes:
*Some of the Placeables don't activate the conversations
-Statue at the start point is suppose to have a history and who directly/indirectly helped with the building (kinda goin with the Divine Pool kindda conversation) but alas, the DAMN thing won't "talk" <_<
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