Other > Hellgate: London

Hellgate: London

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Anyone else notice that the Dunder Lich creatures in Hellgate do that same hand gesture that is in Razor Blade's avatar when they cast spells?



--- Quote ---Anyone else notice that the Dunder Lich creatures in Hellgate do that same hand gesture that is in Razor Blade's avatar when they cast spells?

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Heheh no...but on a side note, ever notice how some times creatures take 0 dmg and seem invulnerable unless you stop attacking them and re-target?  Is this some kind of bug?


--- Quote ---Heheh no...but on a side note, ever notice how some times creatures take 0 dmg and seem invulnerable unless you stop attacking them and re-target?  Is this some kind of bug?
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I believe that is our old pal lag visiting. Who told that bastard about Hellgate: London?!?



--- Quote ---I believe that is our old pal lag visiting. Who told that bastard about Hellgate: London?!?

--- End quote ---

Dammit...I sure didn't!


--- Quote ---Anyone else notice that the Dunder Lich creatures in Hellgate do that same hand gesture that is in Razor Blade's avatar when they cast spells?

--- End quote ---
Yeah I saw that in the beta the first time I got to mele range on one of them. This game has something for every kind of geek.


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