Other > Random Ranting

FBI Spys On Me!



I knew the guy outside my window wasnt the only person listening!

The technology to see what is displayed on your computer's monitor simply by using a remote device that picks up the radiation given off by that monitor has existed for at least 15 years.

Also consider that a microphone and a speaker are actually the same device with the magnetic current reversed.

Welcome to the wonderful world of paranoia! I'll be your host 420.

EDIT: Throbble just reminded me that there is also tech that's been around for a long time that can pick up the sounds of typing on a keyboard and determine what keys were being hit.


Elessar Telrunya:
420 and Throbble at their best, folks!

Well, no not really, but it's still pretty damn good!


Wow, good to know that the governmet is spending all that time and money to record my profane expressions whenever my character gets killed. I was afraid that no one really cared.


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