Other > Random Ranting

HMH Shoots Razor Blade With A Nailgun

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Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---true i'm confused, i'm not feeling like i'm loosing the arguement i'm just adding a comment to my first post that I made about the "i'm one of those freaky ppl blabla"
anyhow even if I was loosing the arguement lol Care? as I said it's a meaningless arguement I got more important things to worry about then to think about what you can rant here...

so I return to my previous statement

wtv, #Care?
--- End quote ---
I didn't say nor imply that you were losing the argument, I even said that we weren't having one at all! :lol: I dunno man... you keep replying... :lol:


--- Quote ---#care?
--- End quote ---
Translation please?



--- Quote ---Translation please?

--- End quote ---

Maybe he was going to be slick and use a 1 for an I but accidentaly had the shift held down and pressed 3. THat produced the # and he forgot to space after the # when going for the retorical 'I Care?' statement.


--- Quote ---he says, #care? :P, like... right, you win  now  stfu plz.
--- End quote ---

But hell replied again and seems like razor actually cares :P.

Razor, if you have better things to care about and all that shit, why do you keep replying the same thing over and over? doesnt look like you dont care to me :P.

And btw you have to hold down Alt Gr and press 3 for #, not shift :P, at least on my keyboard...

Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---And btw you have to hold down Alt Gr and press 3 for #, not shift :P, at least on my keyboard...
--- End quote ---
It's just shift on American keyboards.


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