Other > Random Ranting
What should we call the most famous Atom bombs?
--- Quote ---Ebony and Ivory are the names of Dante's pistols in devil may cry :P
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I know. =D
--- Quote ---Einstein had nothing to do with splitting the atom let alone inventing the atomic bomb. His contribution came in the form of E=mc^2.
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Looks like Einstein felt at least partially responsible for the U.S. inventing the nuke:
From Wikipedia
--- Quote ---In 1939, Leo Szil�¡rd and Einstein wrote a letter to U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt warning that the Third Reich might be developing nuclear weapons based on their own research. Roosevelt formed a committee to investigate the matter and granted Enrico Fermi's University of Chicago neutron experiments $6,000, the first steps toward the Manhattan Project. According to chemist and author Linus Pauling, Einstein later expressed regret about the Szil�¡rd-Einstein letter. Within five years, the United States created its own nuclear weapons, and used them on the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
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Could name them after those to guys.
Thanks for the tip Szil�¡rd!
Einstein's Regret
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