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What should we call the most famous Atom bombs?

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So, for those who don't know, there was this thing awhile back called World War II. Basically someone forgot they were living in the modern age (as compared to say Medieval times) and decided to conquer the world...

*Waits for the gut laughs to die down.*

I know, it's ridiculous, but some people never learn.

Anyway, to sort of wrap up this second World War the USA got involved, hired a boffin named Albert Einstein to invent the biggest firecracker ever then dropped a couple on Japan.

The names of those bombs were "Little Boy" and "Fat Man". Now, Throbble and I think these nicknames were probably given at the time not knowing they would become the two most famous bombs of all time.

Anyway, I think those names are lame as fuck and I think we can do much better. So everyone post your suggestions for what the two first atomic bombs ever dropped should be called.

420's suggestions:

Super War Ender
Super War Ender II: Atomic Boogaloo


Einstein had nothing to do with splitting the atom let alone inventing the atomic bomb.  His contribution came in the form of E=mc^2.

America hired a guy named J. Robert Oppenheimer to invent and build the weapon.  He was the lead in the Manhattan Project.


--- Quote ---Einstein had nothing to do with splitting the atom let alone inventing the atomic bomb.  He's contribution came in the form of E=mc^2.

America hired a guy named J. Robert Oppenheimer to invent and build the weapon.  He was the lead in the Manhattan Project.
--- End quote ---
My WW2 history was the abridged, condensed version for the attention impaired. That and I gleaned most of my facts from C&C Red Alert.

But that's all beside the point, name the bombs!



Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---My WW2 history was the abridged, condensed version for the attention impaired. That and I gleaned most of my facts from C&C Red Alert.
--- End quote ---
Do I even need to point out why I bolded and am now laughing at the word "facts" in that statement? :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Name 1: Fuckinshittybitchwhoreasscuntmotherfucker killer.

Name 2: lol


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