LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

a friggen lot...


Elessar Telrunya:
Now that's just scary - 39 total at that time!



EDIT: I look at the board 2 minutes later and it's 47!
EDIT2: 53 guests, 3 pages of users in the online button. wow. I think I'm going to hide!

[attachment deleted by admin]

Holy shit.

Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---OF GUESTS! O.O
Now that's just scary - 39 total at that time!


EDIT: I look at the board 2 minutes later and it's 47!
EDIT2: 53 guests, 3 pages of users in the online button. wow. I think I'm going to hide!
--- End quote ---
Happened at RoD once before, and then it happened again recently.

That absolutely *has* to be bot-related....


Soul Sojourner:
Both of them most likely are. It's not surprising seeing it happen at RoD, but here is a little different.


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