Other > Random Ranting

I Shpreak Beffer Tahn U Doo!

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Soul Sojourner:
This topic rocks my socks.

Fricking is actually a euphanism for "fucking." I've seen it used as "fricken," "frick," and frickin'" as well. I believe that "freaking" has become popular as a way to replace the word "fucking" as well, even though "freaking" is otherwise an actual word.

--- Quote ---im just lazy at writing, i never used punctuation before thats why anheg and hell got pissed, so i started using it.
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Wow, I am truly inspirational. *laughs at his own joke*

Public schools in America should really concentrate more on the issue of spelling in grammar because it is truly a problem that ought to be resolved. Though that comment could seed it's way back to the issue of public schooling, funding, and the way the system works in the first place, that's a completely different subject.

--- Quote ---PD. hell i just noticed why quotes mess up, i think it happens if you use too many, i added "then" and "than" uses as a normal quote and all other quotes messed up, i just deleted the quote part from them, and all other quotes got fixed.
--- End quote ---
Thanks. I'll investigate the matter further. If this is the case, then I have to wonder why. I'm mostly familiar with older versions of IPB so I am unaware if it is some sort of setting. I'll experiment a little with that other post of mine, and later on, when I buy the latest software for mine and my girlfriend's site, I'll run a test on that too to check if our own forum will run into the issue.

In the end, no matter what your feelings are on the subject, despite anyone's non-constructive criticism and/or insults on either of your abilities to speak and write English correctly, you should strive to master it to the best of your ability. If you did that, I trust that in a month you could speak/write it way better than you do now and there's no need for a goddamn teacher. Check out the wikipedia and wiktionary sites, as well as dictionary.com, and I'm sure those alone will help you considerably. Although you guys just might not be as much of a geek as I am; except that I only do shit like that when I'm not feeling lazy. (for learning German) :D Imagine being able to insult a good 70% or more of Americans you meet on the net about their English when it's your second language and they write it worse than you. :lol:


--- Quote ---Speling flams arw lam!

--- End quote ---
I don't understand why people don't doublecheck their posts for mispellings if it's such a big deal.

There are online spellcheck programs if you really don't want to proofread.


--- Quote ---I don't understand why people don't doublecheck their posts for mispellings if it's such a big deal.

There are online spellcheck programs if you really don't want to proofread.
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--- Quote ---Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe and the biran fguiers it out aynawy.
--- End quote ---

That was posted in this forum long time ago and it seems like a good reason, even if theres missing letters you would still understand it, in most cases.

Soul Sojourner:
I always check over my posts for typos. Alot of the time I'll also check them over for ways in which I can rephrase things to sound better and make more sense to the reader or fix grammatical errors. I don't always do the last two, but I always look them over.

--- Quote ---That was posted in this forum long time ago and it seems like a good reason, even if theres missing letters you would still understand it, in most cases.
--- End quote ---
If everyone typed/wrote incorrectly like that, how likely would it be for our brains to "automatically correct" what we read when we start forgetting what correct even is. Then think of pronunciation on top of that. Think it would be easy to learn and especially pronounce the language if this were the case? Unlikely. Then you must also think of the stupid people who have a hard time reading to begin with. If they can't pronounce things correctly as it is, nor read/type well or correctly, how in the world would they translate such a post?

Jesus saves the stupid people! Oooh oooh!

That was pointed as a joke :P


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