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Facts, Opinions, and S.P.A.M.

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--- Quote ---Not everyone has equal abilities, but everyone is unique, and it's completely opinion who is better than who. So that makes everyone equal, just not equal in everyone's opinion, but in the opinion of those who see them as such.

Tell me I'm wrong, and I'll tell you that's an opinion too. Because it's true.
--- End quote ---
So evolution is just an opinion? Or are you saying that humans are all exactly equally evolved?


Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---Not everyone has equal abilities, but everyone is unique, and it's completely opinion who is better than who.
--- End quote ---
Read this line again for comprehension purposes.

Evolution is a theory. Theories are thoughts and opinions that cannot be disproved and cannot be proven. Theories become facts when valid proof is discovered. Theories are dismissed when there is proof that they are false.

But that's besides the point. Who is better than who is strictly an opinion and was a main point in my argument. Do you disagree?

I've already stated that people aren't equal in ability, seems we agree there.

The main point, however, was that we're all equal in our ability to make our own choices, no matter what influences may happen, or things that occur beyond our control. Decisions are our own, and I showed an exception. But you did not quote that part of the post.

I should add that my opinion is what counts. Because I am never wrong and always right, and so it is not debatable. :lol:

Just because you label something as an "opinion" doesn't automatically make it one.

That statement, for instance, is not an opinion.


Soul Sojourner:
Thoughts on the world or guesses are the opinion of the person who makes them, to state them and believe they are correct makes it a theory.

If that statement is your own, then it is an opinion. If it is the statement of another and you state it believing it to be right, then it is your opinion that it is right.

Unless it's a fact, I don't see how it's not an opinion unless it's a guess. While a guess is uncertainty, guesses are based on what the person guessing thinks is right, and right and wrong are opinions. However, there are random guesses, but if theories were random guesses, they wouldn't be "thought to be right/correct" and therefore would not be theories.

Also, your last statement is also an opinion. If I were to claim you were wrong, that would be my opinion, were you to claim you are right, that is yours. The reason the last statement would be an opinion as well, is because I see no evidence to disprove the theory that it is an opinion, so it is therefore not a fact. As they are your words (or even possibly the words of another) it is your opinion (or possibly the opinion of another, which, in your opinion, is right), as there is nothing making it a fact. Unless of course you do not feel the statement is right, in which case, I don't see why you stated it.

You could consider something a supposition, but the conclusion would lead to it being an opinion. As many people could look at the same hard facts and derive their own supposition/assumption from it, which is technically their opinion.

1.   a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2.   a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
3.   the formal expression of a professional judgment: to ask for a second medical opinion.
4.   Law. the formal statement by a judge or court of the reasoning and the principles of law used in reaching a decision of a case.
5.   a judgment or estimate of a person or thing with respect to character, merit, etc.: to forfeit someone's good opinion.
6.   a favorable estimate; esteem: I haven't much of an opinion of him.

Main Entry:     opinion
Part of Speech:     noun
Definition:     belief

Synonyms:     assessment, assumption, attitude, conception, conclusion, conjecture, estimate, estimation, eye*, fancy, feeling, guess, hypothesis, idea, imagining, impression, inclination, inference, judgment, mind, notion, persuasion, postulate, presumption, presupposition, reaction, say so, sentiment, slant, speculation, supposition, surmise, suspicion, take*, theorem, theory, thesis, think*, thought, view, viewpoint

Source:     Roget's New Millenniumâ?¢ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.3.1)
Copyright �© 2007 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
* = informal or slang


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