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War in Iraq AND North Korea
Soul Sojourner:
--- Quote ---FUD. Do you just make this stuff up?
References please.
--- End quote ---
References? Sure.
--- Quote ---That, and I think if we should be
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That part is my opinion, obviously. As for the rest, I heard it on the Oprah Winfrey show awhile back, when some woman essentially snuck into North Korea with a group of doctors because of some problem people there were having and needed treatment for.
--- Quote ---I heard it on the Oprah Winfrey show
--- End quote ---
Oh dear. It must be true then.....
Like i said - FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt).
No wonder you are always at war with someone.
I'm sure Oprah is full of beans, but North Korea's civil rights violations are fairly well accepted - check out the Wikipedia article - I draw your attention to the sections on famine and abductions - fascinating!
That said, people are being abused and killed all over the world (Darfur springs instantly to mind) - why should the U.S. get involved? We botched the last one, and all we have to show for it is some really cool advancements in artificial limbs and a lot of disappointment from our European pals.
Soul Sojourner:
I'd believe Oprah before I'd believe Talon. Plain and simple. :lol: Plus it wasn't Oprah doing the talking, it was some other random chick I know nothing about. Also, Talon, the relevance of your point is lacking due to the fact that the only television I usually watch is good movies that spring up, and Dr. Phil. Unless I am randomly watching tv when someone else is, in which case, I end up watching court shows, investigative shit, and sometimes crap like Oprah. Which has got to be the rarest one, as I usually can't sit through it.
But hey, even the wikipedia article shows the tiny bit of information I presented on the subject is not false.
@Throbble: Careful not to misinterpret my meaning. I certaintly don't think we should be getting involved there. As I said though, I think it would be better than being in Iraq. If we're going to fuck around anywhere then that should be the place. But just because I say that, doesn't mean I think we should be off fighting anywhere.
China and N. Korea's bond is wearing thin according to the UN Security Council. The threats of nuclear tests made China put their foot down. China is the backbone of N. Korea. So they do what China says.
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