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War in Iraq AND North Korea

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Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---To paraphrase a popular quote: It's a war by terrorists for terrorists.

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Amen. :lol:

Does anyone know if any nations have any dealings/diplomatic engagements/arrangements/treaties/etc with North Korea? I know we don't and I don't think many other countries do either, but I'm not sure which ones do, if any.


--- Quote ---Amen. :lol:

Does anyone know if any nations have any dealings/diplomatic engagements/arrangements/treaties/etc with North Korea? I know we don't and I don't think many other countries do either, but I'm not sure which ones do, if any.
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China, they are buddies from way back. China gave Kim Jong-il's dad a nice armored train to travel by because he was too paranoid to travel by plane. Now sonny-boy uses it.


Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---China, they are buddies from way back. China gave Kim Jong-il's dad a nice armored train to travel by because he was too paranoid to travel by plane. Now sonny-boy uses it.

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Is China the only one?


--- Quote ---Is China the only one?
--- End quote ---

Nah.  Iran, Venezuela and just about any country that doesn't like America.


--- Quote ---That, and I think if we should be liberating any goddamn country it should be North Korea. Do you know what they do to those people there? They are forced to worship the leaders like gods, and the government doesn't allow anyone in the country. Well, very few people anyway. They are extremely out-dated on what's going on in the world and the people own damn near no personal freedom or privacy.
--- End quote ---

FUD. Do you just make this stuff up?
References please.


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