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Is LM Going Downhill?

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--- Quote ---Nothing can be proven true or false.
--- End quote ---
Merriam-Webster disagrees with you. Definition of Prove

--- Quote ---1 archaic : to learn or find out by experience

2 a : to test the truth, validity, or genuineness of <the exception proves the rule> <prove a will at probate> b : to test the worth or quality of; specifically : to compare against a standard -- sometimes used with up or out c : to check the correctness of (as an arithmetic result)

3 a : to establish the existence, truth, or validity of (as by evidence or logic) <prove a theorem> <the charges were never proved in court> b : to demonstrate as having a particular quality or worth <the vaccine has been proven effective after years of tests> <proved herself a great actress>

4 : to show (oneself) to be worthy or capable <eager to prove myself in the new job>
intransitive verb : to turn out especially after trial or test <the new drug proved effective>

usage The past participle proven, originally the past participle of preve, a Middle English variant of prove that survived in Scotland, has gradually worked its way into standard English over the past three and a half centuries.

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Oh, AND from the Definition of argument

--- Quote ---2 a : a reason given in proof or rebuttal

--- End quote ---
Perhaps all those "misunderstandings" were actually arguments after all.


Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---Perhaps all those "misunderstandings" were actually arguments after all.

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Many (maybe most) arguments are spawn of misunderstanding, same with wars, I just prefer to use the term misunderstanding when it's the cause for argument. :D

--- Quote ---1 archaic : to learn or find out by experience

2 a : to test the truth, validity, or genuineness of <the exception proves the rule> <prove a will at probate> b : to test the worth or quality of; specifically : to compare against a standard -- sometimes used with up or out c : to check the correctness of (as an arithmetic result)

3 a : to establish the existence, truth, or validity of (as by evidence or logic) <prove a theorem> <the charges were never proved in court> b : to demonstrate as having a particular quality or worth <the vaccine has been proven effective after years of tests> <proved herself a great actress>

4 : to show (oneself) to be worthy or capable <eager to prove myself in the new job>
intransitive verb : to turn out especially after trial or test <the new drug proved effective>

usage The past participle proven, originally the past participle of preve, a Middle English variant of prove that survived in Scotland, has gradually worked its way into standard English over the past three and a half centuries.
--- End quote ---
Are you sure?

Proof is simply a lackey of persuasion. It's a tool to persuade others in believing a certain thing. Or, in a different manner, is like everything else. If you see something, you often believe it to be true, especially when many others see the same thing and believe it. That is proof. Seeing is believing, but sight can be deceiving. Based on evidence, you make your own analysis and assumption, this is your perception. Point of view is perception. A standard point of view is one that is: Common; Shared by the majority of people. Truth is commonly believed to be common belief, and I do not agree with that belief.

You guys are arguing about "re-tar-ded"

That's re-tar-ded.


--- Quote ---Are you sure?
--- End quote ---
Dude, if you have a problem with the definition of "prove" then take it up with Merrriam-Webster. I'm sure they'd love to hear your nonsensical ravings.

--- Quote ---That's re-tar-ded.
--- End quote ---
No, that's Re-tar-red.

--- Quote ---He's Re-tar-red.
--- End quote ---


Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---Dude, if you have a problem with the definition of "prove"

No, that's Re-tar-red.
--- End quote ---
I didn't say I had a problem with their definition of it, on the contrary, if it weren't for humans trying to make restrictions, laws, and order, we would be fucked... then again, half of us might not be lost to false reality... but... that would either mean that half would be insane, or somewhat like myself.

It's up to you to decide which is worse! Ahah!

It's not that my "ravings" are non-sensical, it's just that they are too sensible for you to make sense of, that's all. Though if I were to be technical, that's true and false at the same time, and there's other aspects as well, but I won't dwell on it.

Yes, thanks for clearing that up. He's still learning to read.


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