Other > Random Ranting

Tyrael Can't Speak English Pt. 2

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Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---Hell's a smartass. And will remain that way, personaly I wouldent have it any other way.

When someone goes "You know that Hell dude?" I automaticly think of this smartass we all know. The key is to stop taking everything he says to heart. He is not outright attacking you, he is just a smartass. Just be one right back.
--- End quote ---


--- Quote ---too long to read.
--- End quote ---
lol :rofl:

--- Quote ---  I dont really care about a silly smartass kid with long posts, maybe that makes him feel better or something. Im just answering, i dont give a damn about what he writes, if he doesnt like how i write, then just dont read... easy.. no1 is forcing you to.
And yes you can still be stupid (well, you are!) and write in english cos you're english, not like it would be any hard for you.
I would like to see hell trying to write in spanish, so i could laugh my ass off while he tries.
Besides, if your so smart how the hell do you talk here?, no1 is talking you asshole.
So your just a pathetic fail that tries to be fun, to be honest i think your parents forgot to use protection and you were the surprise.
--- End quote ---
Smartass? Sure.
Young, certaintly.
Kid? Not.
Long posts? Fun!
Do I feel better? Well, I guess so... since I amuse the shit out of myself. (If you want to take that literally, I think once I was laughing at some crap I posted and then next thing you know, I had to take a shit. :D)
You care about what I write, that's why you respond!
No one is forcing me to!? Of course they aren't! They're too busy trying to figure out what the fuck you're saying themselves, they don't have the time to tell me to when they have a task like that to accomplish! Ahahaha. :lol:
It's my 'job' to read your posts, silly.
1. Because I am HMH, and that's what I fucking do goddammit.
And 2. I'm a GMod here, so I guess for me to know if a bot is spamming a thread or if something ought to be pinned/split or what-the-fuck-ever I sort of have to read posts, huh? :lol: That's not the only reason I do though, obviously. I read every new fucking post that springs up and had long before I was made a mod. Why? Because I LIKE to. =D

You're* (Just to be an ass. :lol:) How do I talk here if I am smart? You're saying smart people can't talk here? Lmfao. :D No one is talking to me? Okay, so they are typing to me then... err same thing? Talking is a synonymn of conversing, and typing messages to people and them typing messages back is a form of conversing. Does your "genius" know no bounds? I'm an awesome guy who is always fun and you think my parents forgot protection? Now why would you think that? Do you know them? Have they ever talked to you? Are you a fish? What's 2+2? Have you ever tried using an insult that you can actually back up? Shit, you're like some Spanish kid who half-assed learned some English on the internet and then claims he tries to type it correctly while still using internet shortcuts like "cos" to replace the correct words. Oh wait a second... :lol:



--- Quote ---too long to read.
--- End quote ---
There are a couple options you can use to get the gist of HeLL's long rants.

1. Just read the shortest sentence that starts with a cuss word:

"Fuck, I love you people, you're fun."

2. Do what I do and just read the first letter of each paragraph as a sentence that sums up the entire post:

"Mo fnpn ni."

I don't want to alarm you Mo but I think he is threatening you with Monte Python movies.


Everytime i answer, he comes up with even larger posts... maybe i should save most ppl from having to read hell's posts (i cant be arsed to read them anymore).
hell should be a politician, he's stupid and he never shut up. :P

Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---Everytime i answer, he comes up with even larger posts... maybe i should save most ppl from having to read hell's posts (i cant be arsed to read them anymore).
hell should be a politician, he's stupid and he never shut up. :P
--- End quote ---
Stereotyping and judging people based on their occupation and/or political involvement? If someone is a politician, they must be stupid? Is that what you're saying? Well, it's what you implied! Sheesh, bad English and prejudice... damn Tyrael... *shakes his head* tsk tsk. Don't call people smarter than you stupid, it tends to make YOU look stupid, oh smart one. :P

To all of my friends, unknowns, associates, and enemies: You may be smarter than me, but I will always, always, be more intelligent than you. - God. :lol:


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