Other > Random Ranting
Why did this remind me of Mo
Razor Blade:
--- Quote ---If there was no religion in the world a lot of people would have no reason to be good. =P
I believe it's more of a religious thing. The Jewish people believe that they are the chosen people of God(as do most if not all sects of Christianity) and that intermarrying with non-Jewish people taints the blood...I do believe there's also a Jewish law somewhere in all 613 of them that says they can't marry non-Jewish people, I believe mostly because it could lead to idolatry. That's my understanding on it anyway...after all, look into history and see how the Jewish people treated those who broke away and intermarried, the Samarians for instance.
But it's by no means ridiculous, religion is something that can connect a family together. To be completely honest, I'd prefer to marry a Roman Catholic than someone of a protestant religion.
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your words are very true, but there are people out there that aren't religious and are still good people, i think what makes you a good person is the enviroment you grow up in i mean if you grow up in a bad enviorment you will be bad yourself no matter if you believe in god or not...
I mean there are people out there that kill other people and they believe in god i mean where's the logic??
For example take Moslims (I'm a moslim myself so don't think i'm racist or smt) anyway 9/11 for example the WTC they killed people in the name of god while in our holy book (Koran) says that you may not kill people at all...?
Not only Moslims but in early ages the crusades for example also the Christian people slayed all "unbelievers" in the name of god also...
Jews aren't racist. Marrying non-Jewish is a bigger deal for men because the religion is inherited from the mother. If Jewish parents want their children to marry Jewish, it's not because they don't like other people it's because they want their grand children and family to remain Jewish. If they didn't have this attitude there would be far less Jews than there already are.
--- Quote ---I think Jewish are racist
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"There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures... and the Dutch. " -Nigel Powers
I grew up in a "bad" environment with a religion of angry, racist fundamentalist protestants and I didn't turn out bad. I decided that I would rather prevent others from experiencing the same horrible shit I had to go through rather than getting "revenge" by abusing others in the same way I was abused.
Regardless of race, religion, nationality, geographic location or any other environmental influences, in the end it all comes down to a personal decision to either rise above your negative situation and try to help your fellow humans or become a part of the problem by turning to hatred and intolerance.
--- Quote ---If there was no religion in the world a lot of people would have no reason to be good. =P
I believe it's more of a religious thing. The Jewish people believe that they are the chosen people of God[/color](as do most if not all sects of Christianity) and that intermarrying with non-Jewish people taints the blood...I do believe there's also a Jewish law somewhere in all 613 of them that says they can't marry non-Jewish people, I believe mostly because it could lead to idolatry. That's my understanding on it anyway...after all, look into history and see how the Jewish people treated those who broke away and intermarried, the Samarians for instance.
But it's by no means ridiculous, religion is something that can connect a family together. To be completely honest, I'd prefer to marry a Roman Catholic than someone of a protestant religion.
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Well I feel that they believe they are the Chosen people of God because it says so in the Bible. lol. So if you follow the word of the bible, they are the Chosen people of God and the other sects that believe they are, are just ignorant and smell like cheese.
Elessar Telrunya:
Did I mention the Bible at all, Mercy? No, I didn't. Also, if what you're attempting to say were true, early Christians wouldn't have evangelized beyond the Jews.
--- Quote ---I mean there are people out there that kill other people and they believe in god i mean where's the logic??
For example take Moslims (I'm a moslim myself so don't think i'm racist or smt) anyway 9/11 for example the WTC they killed people in the name of god while in our holy book (Koran) says that you may not kill people at all...?
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I never said no one would have a reason to be good, I said a lot of people, because a lot of people are religious. Remember "a lot" is a rather relative term.
As for Muslims, they aren't bad, it's the extremist sects that propagandize and indoctrinate youth that are bad. They really believe that God wants them to do these things.
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