Other > Random Ranting

Why did this remind me of Mo

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--- Quote ---Sad.
--- End quote ---
No. Funny! I havent laughed that hard in a long time. The DJ plays it perfectly also :lol:

--- Quote --- are just ignorant and smell like cheese
--- End quote ---
I like cheese. U offend the god of cheese, Gorganzola, by comparing cheese to religious people!


--- Quote ---No. Funny! I havent laughed that hard in a long time. The DJ plays it perfectly also :lol:
--- End quote ---

Of course they played it perfectly.  It's scripted.  Just like everything on American TV and radio.

Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---I think Jewish are racist
--- End quote ---
That comment sounds racist in itself. To outright state that everyone of a certain religion, race, ethnicity, etc. is racist, is a predigious comment.

--- Quote ---If there was no religion in the world a lot of people would have no reason to be good.
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Religion is a way for people to cope with the truth, by believing in lies.

--- Quote ---your words are very true, but there are people out there that aren't religious and are still good people, i think what makes you a good person is the enviroment you grow up in i mean if you grow up in a bad enviorment you will be bad yourself no matter if you believe in god or not...
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What is good, bad, right, and wrong are opinions. What each and every individual perceives as good, bad, right, and wrong is their own opinion. Morally and lawfully made judgements are often based off of popular opinion, and often rarer opinions that are less morally inclined are seen as barbaric and/or inhumane.

Who is and is not a good or bad person is purely opinion. Despite this fact, 420's reasoning that influences and environments are not what make a good or bad person, while their own decisions are, I agree with. One is responsible for their own actions, no matter what influences they may have had brought on them, only they are to blame for what they do. Our actions are what define who we are, and we are the ones that decide how we will act, and that is universal; that is my opinion.

--- Quote ---Did I mention the Bible at all, Mercy? No, I didn't. Also, if what you're attempting to say were true, early Christians wouldn't have evangelized beyond the Jews.
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It did not sound to me like he was arguing with you at all, only making a simple point. It sounds like you're getting worked up about it, there's no need for that.

--- Quote ---No. Funny! I havent laughed that hard in a long time. The DJ plays it perfectly also :lol:
--- End quote ---
I thought both of them were pretty pathetic and lacking in humor.

--- Quote ---Of course they played it perfectly. It's scripted. Just like everything on American TV and radio.
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No doubt in my mind.

Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote ---It did not sound to me like he was arguing with you at all, only making a simple point. It sounds like you're getting worked up about it, there's no need for that.
--- End quote ---

I didn't say he was arguing and I did not sound like I was getting worked up about it, nor was I.


Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---I didn't say he was arguing and I did not sound like I was getting worked up about it, nor was I.

--- End quote ---
Nor did I say you said he was, only that your reaction was as though his statement somehow discredited yours, when it did not. You see, it works as a counter to the counter that never worked in the first place. And you did indeed sound like you were worked up about it, as you are now making nothing into something here, I could simply say this proves it! :lol:

The "I didn't say this and that" thing holds no relevence to the opinion of myself nor the judgement I hold of your reaction to the statement in question. Especially when I had only expressed opinions of your reaction and had not stated anything as absolute. The only thing that falls into place here would be your assumption that it was meant as an absolute OR your taking it as such and reacting thusly. Beyond that you could simply say that you did not take it as such nor assume it's meaning, but then that would simply imply that my previous statement about your last comment in reply to me is likely extremely accurate.

Funny how you make your statement about the way you "sounded" sound like a fact. In fact, that is an opinion. You can say you were not worked up about it, but whether anyone believes you or not is up to them. I would guess most don't even care. However, whether or not you sounded worked up, well, that is also up to those who read it. As I said, opinion. ;)

All in all, this post says that your posts says absolutely nothing. And if you're post says nothing, then the reply (this post) to your post which is solely about your post, must also say absolutely nothing.



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