Other > Random Ranting

Tyrael Can't Speak English

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Anheg i didnt mind your post, it was all hell's fault. :P
Well, you triggered hell's annoyance.  :lol:

OMFG, that is so cheap...

Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---Fine, my english suck, if you dont like it dont read, it's simple. Seems like your always bored just lookin for some1 to piss off, maybe get out sometime and get some modals and education wouldnt be bad.
And btw, the main language does matter, even if you like it or not, phrase build on spanish its completely reverse than in english, and some other languages are way closer to english, like french and portuguese are close to spanish, i dont even want to learn german cos every1 ive met (in games and lots of tourists here in rl) knows english.

Oh and btw your right i cant speak english well but.... we are talking of WRITING you FOOL!!!
--- End quote ---
Half of the time, I DON'T read it. Yes, it does matter, but not as much as dedication to speaking/typing it correctly. My point in a nutshell.

Calling me a fool while acting like one isn't helping your case. I suppose that is a matter of opinion, but it's not like I care. If it pisses you off... bag of gold in my palm. If it did not, I still got to laugh when typing it.

--- Quote ---Stop Picking on Him.

FYI, dutch is a germanic language - as is german (obviously) and ENGLISH.
Spanish is a latin language - so sentence structure and grammar is different.

That you know another spanish person who can speak better english bears no relevance at all to this conversation.

btw, "And why would you use that as a point, and then say it doesn't matter in parenthesis?" makes no sense gramatically.
--- End quote ---
This is a valid discussion. Simple as that. Though, as you capitalized "him," I see that sentence in other ways. However, what I said just now stands either way.

Yes, I knew that already. He mentioned Chard's nationality, not his language, even if his point was meant to be something else. I still stated that Chard was Dutch and not German. Even if I was talking about the language he speaks and not his nationality, German is still not the same as Dutch, no matter the similiarities. Though I actually was talking about his nationality, and so was he, even if the comment about his nationality was meant to reflect on the language he speaks as well. Tyrael had said himself that your first language matters. I'm simply using that point against him since he contradicted himself.

My knowing someone else that speaks it better was not the point I was sending. The point was made to show the effort made by this person in comparison to the effort Tyrael makes being the reason in which this person speaks it better than Tyrael. Which is completely relevant.

I'm not even sure how many times I've stated that I make run-on sentences. I have improved much with them from how bad they were in the past because I TRY to improve. No, I'm not perfect and I have not completely stopped making them either. Sorry, should I have said "Why would you use that statement as a point and then later say that it doesn't matter?" Sure, I could have left out some commas and worded it differently, but do you know how many people who are reading this that wouldn't notice any mistakes in it? I would bet it is far less than those that see all of the mistakes in his. My posts are at least legible, while a lot of the time his are not or barely are and are often a pain in the ass to read. Which was the point to begin with. It was simply followed with some criticism by me which could be used in a constructive way. However, odds are Tyrael would not choose to try and do any better than what he is doing now. Part poor English, part sloppy internet shortcuts. Which is another point I've made. Though, as for the internet shortcuts part, I'm not talking about things such as "lol." I speak of things like "u" and "r."

--- Quote ---Anheg i didnt mind your post, it was all hell's fault.
Well, you triggered hell's annoyance.
--- End quote ---
Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready to play the Blame Game!?

--- Quote ---OMFG, that is so cheap...
--- End quote ---
Indeed, Chard.

I simply said the same shit Anheg said in different words. I was supporting his comment. However, it was Tyrael's choice to then argue with my post, but not Anheg's. Most likely because I was not as polite about it as Anheg was. There is no one to blame, Tyrael. Two people having a disagreement in a discussion makes them both at fault.

I'm really suprised no one pointed out spice = splice in my first post.

Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---I'm really suprised no one pointed out spice = splice in my first post.
--- End quote ---
My mind corrected it instantaneously. So I didn't notice it.


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