Other > Random Ranting


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"It's wrong to obsess over a celebrity, unless that celebrity is bacon."
-Wendy's commercial

Everyone is connected to Kevin Bacon, you should know that by now.

"If you weren't a man and my father, too, I would buy a diamond ring and then I'd marry you."
- Mayonnaise and Marmalade, New Rhythm & Blues Quartet

Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.

-- Ben Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanac

Wide open and unguarded stand our gates,
And through them passes a wild motley throng.
Men from Volga and Tartar steppes.
Featureless figures from the Hoang-ho,
Malayan, Scythian, Teuton, Kelt and Slav,
Flying the Old World's poverty and scorn;
These bringing with them unknown gods and rites,
Those tiger passions here to stretch their claws,
In street and alley what strange tongues are these,
Accents of menace in our ear,
Voices that once the Tower of Babel knew.

-- Thomas Bailey Aldrich,
"The Unguarded Gates," 1882

"Call me 'Mint Jelly' because I'm on the lam!"
-Abe "Grandpa" Simpson


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