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--- Quote ---This isn't quote battle though, however.
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Pfft, that's not a very good quote.

From my sig file on the Rogue Dao boards:

"Who could overturn with reasons what the mob has once learned to believe without reasons?"
-Friedrich Nietzsche


"...Prejudices can kill and suspicion can destroy, and a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all its own... - Keith Olbermann

Razor Blade:
Life is simple you make choices and don't look back - F&F Tokiyo drift


--- Quote ---The best prophet of the future, is the past
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I think it means that we shouldn't make the mistakes we did in the past so that the future will look brighter...dunno for sure tough...

Elessar Telrunya:
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.... -cookies to whoever can correctly tell me. Probably not a hard one to find. ;)

Frivilous yet amusing:
Or we could switch it to the past tense of shat. There used to be a ton of squirrels on top of my bird feeder and they'd shat on it. Now I have a shield and they just shat all around it. -My history teacher.

And of course the one I think of often.
There is always a kid so miserable he is willing to torture others - ignore them. -our very own Throbblefoot.



--- Quote from: Lord Elessar,Apr 1 2007, 11:12 AM ---It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.... -cookies to whoever can correctly tell me. Probably not a hard one to find. ;)

Albus Dumbledore

"You're an abmoniation in the eyes of the lord!" -Dr. Frankenstein, one of the older movie adaptations. My manager has been saying this lately because he likes the word "abomination."

"Sometimes nothin' is a real cool hand." -Paul Newman, Cool Hand Luke

Opps forgot to leave the end quote from Elessar's post
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