Other > Random Ranting


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Elessar Telrunya:
You always said how lucky you were that we were all friends, but it was us, baby, We were the lucky ones. -Maureen, Rent

Razor Blade:

--- Quote ---@Razor Blade, I know what it means. I meant that the particular quote means more to me than it would otherwise, for reasons which I have not explained.
--- End quote ---

Ah, sorry then

Razor Blade:
found a nice quote too

--- Quote ---You need people like me, that point with the finger and say "That's the bad guy"
--- End quote ---

--- Quote --- I allways tell the truth, even when I lie
--- End quote ---

Tony Montana -Scarface

"Whatever happened to 'please' and 'thank you'?"
-Marge Simpson

"I think they killed each other. Y'know, one of those murder/suicide deals."
-Homer Simpson

Pssh! Opinions are like assholes, some are new and some are used alot!


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