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An Apology

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Ive been reading over a couple of my comments, and thought it was time for an apology.

Hell, I apologise for being so mean to you - I realise I was out of order to attack you when I should know better myself.

When I find someone not achieving their true potential and living in some fantasy world where they actually believe they are being honest I just want to open their eyes to reality.

I understand that my shock tactics couldnt bring this truth home to you, but promise I endeavour to educate you in a calmer manner from now on. Who knows - it may even be the key to your success.

Once again, sorry for being a meanie :)

- Talon

Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---Ive been reading over a couple of my comments, and thought it was time for an apology.

Hell, I apologise for being so mean to you - I realise I was out of order to attack you when I should know better myself.

When I find someone not achieving their true potential and living in some fantasy world where they actually believe they are being honest I just want to open their eyes to reality.

I understand that my shock tactics couldnt bring this truth home to you, but promise I endeavour to educate you in a calmer manner from now on. Who knows - it may even be the key to your success.

Once again, sorry for being a meanie :)

- Talon
--- End quote ---
It's cool. It usually entertains me anyway, as I'm used to alot of internet conflicts, and a good disagreement or downright flame war from time to time is fun. I spend most my life on here anyhow. I don't take any of it personally.

The only true key to success for me, is my computer exploding or some crazy shit like that. Or in other words, less computer, it has a bad effect. Otherwise, I'll just remain in a zombie-like state. This computer is my addiction, and the bane of me. (I realized how bad it was during my last year of school. During the first semester my computer was not working at all, I could not use it, and for the first time in all of highschool, I passed all of my classes but one, without putting forth too much effort, and got decent grades as well. But at the end of the semester, I got my computer back, and failed all of my classes during the second semester, like I usually did.) But I have my reasons for not ditching it yet (aside from addiction), and will hopefully soon have something that will take away some of my free-time and hopefully replace it with something more active, as well as productive. But either way, it should do so almost completely, where I would be left with a much more healthy amount of use. Too much of anything can be bad. That, plus my girlfriend likely going to be living with me in little more than three months from now, I won't be on all the time for much longer. =)

But anyway, no need for me to rant about my life. Apology accepted, it's far more than most people are willing to offer.


All's well that ends well  :friends:


--- Quote ---All's well that ends well
--- End quote ---
That's very optimistic of you Mo!

Let the education of HeLL begin! *Runs to nearest bomb shelter.*


i threw up a little


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