Other > Random Ranting
Napoleon pwns English if they weren't sissies
I know what you mean. Just because a few Polish people decided to charge tanks on horse back the rest of us have to live with Polak jokes for the rest of eternity.
However, this isn't a thread about how easy it is to conquer the Polish... wait, on second thought, maybe it is.
--- Quote ---Dont ever say anything like taht again...
Im 50% German/25% Polish/20% Irish/5% Mixed shit
But whenever I say anything about being Polish I almost always hear some kind of generic Polock joke. Heres a common one.
"How many Polocks does it take to screw in a lightbult? 1 To hold it and 200 to turn the house"
--- End quote ---
I'm a 1/4 Polish
William the Bastard is my hero. :) Anyony with the suffix bastard is the man! :D He did some hardcore shit. lol.
But yes. It rocks. History is the shit! :D
--- Quote ---William the Bastard is my hero. :) Anyony with the suffix bastard is the man! :D He did some hardcore shit. lol.
But yes. It rocks. History is the shit! :D
--- End quote ---
lol A friend came home for the weekend from Boston and this is the first time id seen him in about a year. We sat in his basement and watched History Channel for 5 hours. We drank a good bit but the History Channel added a lot of stubstance to our experiance :D
Elessar Telrunya:
history channel ftw! :D
any idea what you were watching?
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