Guild Wars > Guild Wars General
lookie who i ran into!
Elessar Telrunya:
omg it's celesti incar!
EDIT: In other news, he blew 35k buying white dye(they have that now) to dye his entire set of armor and his perfect gold bow(which i found) white.
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lol. about time you posted back! you are the birthday commander and you have missed two birthdays! damn your eyes!
--- Quote ---EDIT: In other news, he blew 35k buying white dye(they have that now) to dye his entire set of armor and his perfect gold bow(which i found) white.
--- End quote ---
Post the stats on the "perfect" bow!
I salvaged a (before the sundering update) 10/10 AP 15-28dmg (req 9) +30hp Shadow Bow once...and got 30 wood +(
Elessar Telrunya:
If I didn't post a birthday thread it was probably someone I couldn't even remember and was hoping someone else who did remember would post it.
Perfect Gold Bow:
And by the way, perfect doesn't mean best, it just means every statistic is maximized.
This is what a bladed recurve bow looks like btw
Someone at GWGuru price checked it at 20-30 plat for me
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