I was wondering what the cryptic PM I got from Georg Zoeller meant:
Sent 09/12/06 16:41:39 (GMT) by Georg Zoeller
Posted 09/12/06 16:19:26 (GMT) by 420
The CEP v2 is currently in the possession of the members of the Persistant World Advanced Release Program (PWARP). Once the various persistant world servers get a chance to integrate the CEP v2 into their modules it will be released to the general public.
I would strongly suggest avoiding to use phenotypes 0-6 in your hakpaks, or if you have to, use them in a seperate hak.
I would avoid using CEPv2 rideable horses as well, unless that is you want to risk cloak like integration woes, just sayin...
georg zoeller
senior designer
Jade Empire is coming to the PC!
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