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lol Some people...

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For some reason I found this rather hilarious.

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--- Quote ---For some reason I found this rather hilarious.
--- End quote ---
Yeah, at this point it's just funny. "Gay" as a derogatory term is out of style now. I actually saw some teenagers laugh at some kid who was trying to sound cool by calling  something "gay".

I'm pretty sure the only people still using it that way are the 10-year old and under crowd who just learned about it from the school yard.


Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote ---Yeah, at this point it's just funny. "Gay" as a derogatory term is out of style now. I actually saw some teenagers laugh at some kid who was trying to sound cool by calling  something "gay".

I'm pretty sure the only people still using it that way are the 10-year old and under crowd who just learned about it from the school yard.

--- End quote ---

Unfortunately, no, it's still a rampant "insult" around here, and by "here," I mean in my highschool. lol.



Soul Sojourner:
I hear it all the time... doesn't seem gone at ALL to me...


--- Quote ---I hear it all the time... doesn't seem gone at ALL to me...
--- End quote ---

Agreed.  In fact I'd venture to say that it may completely take on a dual (not to be confused with a "dual manager" *cough* Xen)  meaning sometime soon.

The BBC even mentioned that it can be used in a non-insulting and non-derogatory fashion.  However this is the BBC, their socio-political comments can be a tad wacky.




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