Other > Birthday Forum!

Birthday Master List

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Soul Sojourner:
His profile says, Nov. 13.

Razor Blade:

--- Quote ---His profile says, Nov. 13.
--- End quote ---

yuup true, true..


--- Quote ---however all topics/posts between a certain date and another seemed to vanish, so any from that period of time are currently lost.
--- End quote ---

What period is that?

Soul Sojourner:
Nov. 5 - 15th I believe it was.

Meaning last post was the 5th, then the next latest was the 15th. I didn't look elsewhere, but I noticed it in RR. All the ones inbetween during the 6th all the way through and during the 14th, had vanished.

My birthday is September 22, lol. Never follow my profile.



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