Neverwinter Nights 2 > GodSpire 2.0

GodSpire In the making

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Shweet. cheers big ears.

Any chance of seeing a godspire mod up this year? Whats restored my faith in nwn2 is the CC team have a nifty PvP server in place. It has a well filterd arena with merchants, a duel manager and anti randoming scripts as well as nifty features such as coloured names. It has quite a few players as well. Not to sure about the item rules, 3 ac but 20 resist o.O but its quite fun. So if this can be produced now im sure nwn2 has a future.

Well, if we could get word from matt as to his progress. Im a little here and there when it comes to completing this. If matt shows up and confirms that he is still making it and that its moving along I will stop creating all together but if he isnt and I get some support i'll do it.

I came back too it. Shock horror! Been farting around with a couple o versions of GS. The whole new system is realy fucking annoying.
Wish it was as easy as slapping down a placable and BAM you can walk on it. But apparently everyone wants to pass right threw solid objects. So thats default.

Anyway, whatever. I'm making a poll, so vote you little bastards!


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