Neverwinter Nights 2 > GodSpire 2.0

GodSpire In the making

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--- Quote ---And oh-boy did JeK hate using the name Thomas. He told me on my occations that the DMs forced him to.

About the House of the Bear, I agree. It was way to warm and cozy of a bar to be your clanhall. You need a pirate, not a bear, as your bartender and all those random lightbeams in the throneroom were pointless.
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That's what happens when a woman designs the area, you get bears and disco  :rolleyes:

(hope Throbble doesn't read this!) *gulp*

oh yeah it was Divine Exaltation i completely forgot that we had that area, i was even the leader for a while after nem and shadow went to marauders and i didnt even remember xD i think we only used that area for about a month then i completely forgot about it, JeK was fun he always called me kayla and kept saying he hated me for some reason lol (he never told me the reason... if there was any) :P

Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---Man I spent a lot of time on that Library!
Worked well too.  Just needed a Librarian to make sure it didn't get all cluttered up with garbage.

It can easily be translated to NWN2, seeing as Obsidian just added the file-db support back into the game.
--- End quote ---
I'd have done anything I could to keep that library in order!!! :angry:

I think I'm probably the one who appreciated it the most. :)

MAKE THE LIBRARY!!! :D And make it friggin sexy too. Dammit.

bus driver:
Angband before the Marauders belonged to CM (Crimson Malefaction) and dident Thomas and Rawor(SP) lead Doriath at first? Ahhh well its not really important anybody who was ever in Doraith is not important : D

BBDC and Marauders rule!

Back on topic..
We dont need clan area's yet and its just more time wasted that GS isent online.. hell we dont even know if it will be popular or even have a stable playbase yet.

Edit:Orrr better yet chuck em all away and make a whole new mod from scratch

yeah i second bus just make the main places to get it online, clan places may come later
(and on the doriath thing too! xD)
i just wanna play :P


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