Neverwinter Nights 2 > GodSpire 2.0

GodSpire In the making

<< < (8/15) > >>

Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---Im not adding anything but:

Docks, Halls, Team arena, Doriath, Angband
--- End quote ---
!! LIBRARY !! =(

nah library is useless too :P just the required things to get gs up and working xD


--- Quote --- Angband
--- End quote ---

Does anyone from Angband even play anymore?


--- Quote ---nah library is useless too :P just the required things to get gs up and working xD
--- End quote ---

Man I spent a lot of time on that Library!
Worked well too.  Just needed a Librarian to make sure it didn't get all cluttered up with garbage.

It can easily be translated to NWN2, seeing as Obsidian just added the file-db support back into the game.


--- Quote ---420, I need your help man, if you can I will need a temp gate script. Just a filter.
--- End quote ---
Item filter sent!



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