Neverwinter Nights 2 > GodSpire 2.0
GodSpire In the making
Ok so in my attempts to learn the tool set briefly I whipped up what has turned out to be an obsession. This is the Alpha images of my Version of GodSpire.
It is identicle to the origional (Docks, Halls, Doriath, Angband)
On the dock(Little bare at the moment):
View of Doriath from the Docks:
Elessar Telrunya:
*jaw drops* bu...bu...bu.....but i've been trying to get bridges and docks i could walk on for over a month! how'd you do it already??!!!!!
EDIT: oh, btw, it looks nice xD
--- Quote ---*jaw drops* bu...bu...bu.....but i've been trying to get bridges and docks i could walk on for over a month! how'd you do it already??!!!!!
EDIT: oh, btw, it looks nice xD
--- End quote ---
Throbble had the docks working about a week after NWN2 was released. The default settings for the dock blueprint should work, just slap the sucker down and bake the area.
Set a walkable path and THEN bake. Baking will "Bake" in the changes to the walkable mesh data. If you have set an area that has a placable above it that will be taken into acount during the baking process.
Its pretty strieght forward. This didnt take more than 5 minutes to learn and get this far, I realy should have earlyer because it is proving to be much more fun than NWN1 (That rymed?)
I have made some other area's one of which, well, actualy many of which will bring a tear to your eye... Sigh...
Very nice Xen!
I'm upgrading my office pc with a pci-express motherboard. I already have an ATI X850 XT waiting for it to arrive. After the upgrade I should be able to play finally :D
I just couldn't wait until the new year for a new pc.
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