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Cuchulan is going to write a book, oh dear

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Well all, I've joined up with NaNOWriMo, thats the National Novel Writing Month. It's a challenge to all writers to produce an entire novel in 30 days this November. I already have the answers to your first questions: 1. Is he insane? 2. Can he do it? 3. Does this mean we will see even less of his infrequent and innane comments on LM?  The answers: 1. Yes 2. IthinkIcanIthinkIcanIthinkIcan 3. Yes, your welcome. So, wish me luck and for those of you who wish to join and develop carpel tunnel syndrome early in life or who just want to see what the other lunatics with carpel tunnel syndrome are doing, check out the site below.
See you in December!


Soul Sojourner:
Hahaha, good luck. I'm already in the process of writing a fiction novel, and have another book planned concerning a common, though not well known, issue in life, but I'll let that be a mystery. I won't participate though, the second book I have too big of plans for, and the first... well... it should come out to about 52 chapters and over 1000 pages, I may have to split it into a couple books. Anyway, that's too much to write in a month. =)

I got it in the bag... only problem is run-on sentences... yippee!

Good luck! And don't even think about giving up.

Elessar Telrunya:
how'd your book writing go, cuch?


I meant to ask him about that when we got together from dinner right before Christmas. I'll make sure to tell him to post an update next time I talk to him. He'll be down in LA (or somewhere around there) visiting family but I'm not sure if he's gone yet.



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