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that are way to much letters in one post couldnt bother to read it all

Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---I never said that. Don't misquote. My post was:

Talon's post was perfectly legit. He sarcasticly told you not to raise long-dead threads. You were not pertaining to the top or the thread. You were simply "ressurecting" it because you saw google reading it.

1. No, it did not make sense. Period. Deal with it.
2. I said I did not originally have a point. I was commenting that you were proving someone else's point. Right now, I've given up all hope that you will realize that you're a dumbass. I should have never held it.
How Talon's what wasn't? You have got to learn better writing skills, Hell. I can't even figure out from context what you're asking me.
And you call me childish?! I was utilizing a good word to express myself. And by the way, if you perceive something that has not before been considered as a "twisted racist comment," then you yourself are likely twisted and racist.

Oh, and by the way, you should have a comma after "twisted."
--- End quote ---
I didn't misquote at all. Never you say? Don't lie to yourself, you're just pointing it out more, are you blind?

--- Quote ---You do realize a point is an opinion right?
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---And by the way, the phrase "proving a point," does not necessarily mean showing somethign to be true or false, it is stating an oppinion and backing it up.
--- End quote ---
Notice the bolded text.

Any reply to an off-topic post, is an off-topic post. Though that is sometimes an exception with admins/moderators. Simple as that.

1. Actually, it did.
2. Now you're just making it all worse for yourself. Good for you! I understood what you said the first time, and you still haven't told me how it proved anything. You should have never held anything. rofl. Blame your own comprehension. Resorting to name-calling is childish, Elessar. Now go cry. Maybe you've just never heard the racist comment "sand n-igger" Without the -.

Do you have a point Elessar? I could have used "and" as well. Who the fuck cares? Now don't expect me to point out your various grammatical errors in return, I simply won't make time for that like you have.

Done trying?

Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote ---I didn't misquote at all. Never you say? Don't lie to yourself, you're just pointing it out more, are you blind?

--- Quote ---QUOTE(HMH)
You do realize a point is an opinion right?

And by the way, the phrase "proving a point," does not necessarily mean showing somethign to be true or false, it is stating an oppinion and backing it up.
--- End quote ---
Notice the bolded text.
--- End quote ---

You're taking what I said out of context. I never said a point is an oppinion, I said proving a point is stating an oppinion and backing it up.
Could one possibly infer from that statement that a "point" is an "oppinion"? Yes, they possibly could. However, I never stated that a "point" is an "oppinion."

--- Quote ---Any reply to an off-topic post, is an off-topic post. Though that is sometimes an exception with admins/moderators. Simple as that.
--- End quote ---
No shit. Really, Einstein?

--- Quote ---1. Actually, it did.
--- End quote ---
If two bright people can't make sense of a sentence, then it probably does not make sense.

--- Quote ---2. Now you're just making it all worse for yourself. Good for you! I understood what you said the first time, and you still haven't told me how it proved anything. You should have never held anything. rofl. Blame your own comprehension. Resorting to name-calling is childish, Elessar. Now go cry. Maybe you've just never heard the racist comment "*********" Without the -.[snapback]31684[/snapback]
--- End quote ---
You know what, Hell. I'm not going to blame my own comprehension. I'm going to blame it on the fact that you're probably high whenever you post and aren't someone to whom I should be listening.

You call me childish when I called you a dumbass. That just makes you look worse when you make something racist out of something that is not racist. And for the record, no I have not heard such a phrase.

However, I will also point out the rule you violated with that reference:

--- Quote ---2. Refrain from posting profanity, racist, sexist, or demeaning material. Any offensive material in your posts, including Adult material, will be removed ASAP.
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---Done trying?
--- End quote ---
Were you asking me or yourself that question?


Duke Nukem are you serious??? They're going to release that....  "Shake it baby"  AHHHHH I can't wait to urinate and throw money at strippers and chew bubble gum and kick ass!!!!

other than that I got nothing out of this thread.

GGAAAAhh the shrink gun!!!!!!!


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