Author Topic: New Module  (Read 8930 times)


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New Module
« on: June 30, 2004, 02:50:27 PM »
A new mod has been created, it is called Dark Spires, and it is a massive world  that has elements of action,roleplay and something for everyone. Whether you are looking for a duel, or want to explore a massive world, or just sit in  a tavern and talk with some friends , its all here. Visually the areas are very impressive.  It is a server vault that requires CEP and all versions of the game (hotu and sou). I know the world server vault might turn you off, but it is very easy to level, and new characters can get right into the game very quickly. So far there are hundreds of custom items. Magic items are quite common, but its very balanced. Monsters offer a challange, since they were built like a character instead of just a random monster. For major bosses battles and huge dungeons, having a party of different classes is always good. The levels go from 1 all the way into epic levels till 40. Player vs player is allowed, attacking people for roleplaying reasons is allowed(a bandit blocking off an area and demanding gold and the other player not paying and the bandit kills him or a Crazy Zealot Paladin talking about how evil arcane magic is and sees a sorceror and impales him right there are good examples of rp type fighting), pickpocketing is allowed(dont whine if you get killed on site for being a rogue) If someone kills you, dont whine about it, just move on. Come check it out at (to direct connect) or you can look for the module name Dark Spires in roleplay.  About 10 players play now, and the mod has just been up a couple of days. If you see no one is on, you can still check it out (killing rats is a great way to make some quick gold and then you can check out the blacksmiths shop in town that is made for lower levels and offers a huge discount). Hope to see you there.


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New Module
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2004, 03:37:54 PM »
It sounds great!
I'll pin the topic for you so everyone reads it! :P  
« Last Edit: June 30, 2004, 03:38:16 PM by nathan »

Offline Hydros

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New Module
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2004, 12:15:57 PM »
Yes it actually sounds good. A bit like "World of Iniquity" though?  
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