Other > Random Ranting

Find the mistakes!


Hey everyone, check out this post by "Skittles The Death Knight" on the D&D Monster Forum. (Link)

--- Quote ---What happend to tiamat
Skittles The Death Knight

she was cool in 2nd ed. i want her back!!! T_T
for you new people... she was the mother of all dragons
the oldist, strongest, and wisest dragon in existance...
she had the original 4 dragon colors for its head...
she was cool!

--- End quote ---

OK, now for the fun part. Who can find the most mistakes in this, ahem, "person's" post.

No prize but you get to have the honor of calling yourself a true D&D geek.

I'll post the "answers" later.


Razor Blade:

--- Quote ---Hey everyone, check out this post by "Skittles The Death Knight" on the D&D Monster Forum. (Link)
OK, now for the fun part. Who can find the most mistakes in this, ahem, "person's" post.

No prize but you get to have the honor of calling yourself a true D&D geek.

I'll post the "answers" later.

--- End quote ---

I dunno about D&D but there are writing mistakes in that person's post wich requires him/her to learn english ASAP... :blink:

Apart from the typos:

She had 5 heads, each a different color not one head thats 4 colors.
Lo created her and her siblings Bahamut, Aasterinian, Faluzure and Chronepsis
She is only the queen of chromatic dragons.
There are more than four colors of dragon.

I'm sure there are lots more but I don't know them


--- Quote ---Lo created her and her siblings Bahamut, Aasterinian, Faluzure and Chronepsis
--- End quote ---

I think you mean "Io"


Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---How to make fun of morons.
--- End quote ---
Write/spell their name backwards?


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