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so i thougt i could finnally register to the forum and not just guest watching it ^^

itsa me sonicle and i started gw now i have a lvl 20 A/Me called sonicle blackwood atm

and ... yes kurzick side along with all Guildwar playing cipher members ^^

hope to meet some of you ingame as i know some... dunno if they who i know play gw too ...   :huh:

ps: didnt found a member valudate forum so can someone tell me where it is  :unsure:

Hi Sonicle,

Throbble and I aren't really active in GW anymore but we still have our guild and most of our members (though some haven't logged in a year). If you want to have a guild cape while you look for a more active guild to join I can invite you.


Uhh, I stole Kristie and Dunkin (Elessar kinda, he joined but has now quit 3 times and most likly wont get another)

Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote ---Uhh, I stole Kristie and Dunkin (Elessar kinda, he joined but has now quit 3 times and most likly wont get another)
--- End quote ---

And won't ask for another - I'm still pissed at you by the way.



--- Quote ---Uhh, I stole Kristie and Dunkin (Elessar kinda, he joined but has now quit 3 times and most likly wont get another)
--- End quote ---

lol 3 times.  I'm sure there are funny stories attached to each one.


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