Other > Random Ranting

Bye-bye, planet Pluto...

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Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote ---And now for TRIVIA TIME!!!!

Why was Lister given the nickname "Cinzano Bianco"?

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Once you got him on a pool table, you couldn't get him off. Props to wikipedia for all my wacky, 420-created trivia needs! *clicky*



--- Quote ---Once you got him on a pool table, you couldn't get him off. Props to wikipedia for all my wacky, 420-created trivia needs! *clicky*
--- End quote ---

All this talk about Pluto, what about the Planet Rupert? (A more obscure bit of sci-fi trivia)


--- Quote ---All this talk about Pluto, what about the Planet Rupert? (A more obscure bit of sci-fi trivia)
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--- Quote ---Rupert

A planet in Earth's solar system beyond the orbit of Pluto. Rupert was named Persephone, but nicknamed Rupert after "some astronomer's parrot." It was eventually settled by the grebulons.
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Man Wikipedia makes life unfair hehehe
Owns all your trivia.


--- Quote ---Man Wikipedia makes life unfair hehehe
Owns all your trivia.
--- End quote ---

Sounds suspiciously like something from one of the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy books.


Soul Sojourner:
Eh, already heard all this. lol. Happens when you go to about 7 boards.


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