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Final Fantasy VIII
Razor Blade:
Oke it's like this when i bought my pc 3 years ago it had a GeForce 2 onboard graphics unit, alltough that's a shity card I could play a lot of games on it with nice graphics, played even doom 3 or Half life 2 on medium settings.
Now one game i couldn't play it was FF8 this game dates from (for pc that is) 1999-2000 i believe, maybe a year and half later i found a patch that fixes issues with a geforce 2, and yes it did the game runned perfectly with the patch, but alas, as did games came out like Fable, Oblivion, FEAR, etc i needed a stronger card so I bought me a XFX GeForce 6200 128mb.
Now this wasn't a bad choice as I was able to play those games i mentioned perfectly, but I knew FF8 wouldn't run anymore.
So up to this day i've been looking for a way to let it work, now I came up to some conclusions:-it's either the 3d-card problem
-it's nVidia's new driver updates
-it's maybe the operating system (Windows XP)
Now on that last thing there is something intresting, when I used my geforce 2 (before the patch) when I wanted to play the game there would came a message "plz insert the gaming disc 1."
However when I bought my geforce 6200 I WAS able to play the game but there were black dots everywhere very hard to see smt, hence it was impossible to play it normally BUT the game DID RUN!
Some time when I bought my geforce 6200 later i needed to update my XP to at least Service pack 2 cuz I needed to install Visual Basic.net .
Now when I wan't to play the game that message shows up again of the gaming disk while when I was running XP without SP the game runned.....however back then the driver was also older.
I found also a intresting post on nVidia
--- Quote ---nvidia has freaked up. they disabled 8 bit graphics support in the new drivers in order to enhance the processing speed. what benji did was force nvidia to dig up the ancient 8bit drivers. unfortunately the reason it worked with him was a glitch and did not work on mine, i could explain why but it would take a while. wacko.gif
After much debating and fighting with windows xp- it may work on benjis but not mine. i tried downgrading the drivers to one that should in theory run it. no-dice. it might be xp not nvidia that is freaking up, i honestly doubt it though, i will however work on this problem, if i come up with a viable solution i will let you know. i like that idea of sponsoring a egg throwing contest, if it were me though i'd just sponsor a "f*** with the a**eholes" competition, awards for most creative, annoying and destructive acts. devil.gif
WAS freakING WORKING FOR A SPLIT SECOND!!! right as i went into balamb garden no more black crap, then bang it went back to being retarted. this means that the problem is that xp is FORCING it to run without the 8 bit color scripts, even in compatability mode. it would be so easy to fix if i had access to the original files but alas my kernel level decompilers/recompilers do not work on xp... xp: the worst OS in history. anytime you want to do anything oldschool it freaks up, and there is no way to get it to work, even if you use compatability mode. did i mention how much i hate xp?... maybe vista will have something allowing it to work, who knows...
Edit: its windows. windows is the one who has disabled 8 bit. i dont know how to fix it but at least we can finally point a finger. blarg.gif
--- End quote ---
So basicly this guy first blames on nvidia then on XP...
My personal opinion on this is that the 3d-card is to blame and more precicly it's the drivers upgrade we all do on our 3d-cards.
I believe nVidia disabeled the support for 8-bit textures (FF 8 uses 8-bit textures) cuz the tought no one plays old games anymore and offcourse disabeling this feature allows GPU's to run faster....
So I'm 90% sure that's the 3d-cards with their drivers upgrades, but 10% of me thinks it's the OS.
So my question here is what do YOU think is the problem here 3d-cards ore OS and plz give some good reasons why you think that is so...?
err dunno its better to use psx one with epsxe it even worked fine with a geforce mx 440 lol, i bought the 3 psx ones (7, 8 and 9) and the 3 work really good with epsxe.
for the pc problem if its for the graphic card, theres a program called 3d analizer that emulates things from graphic cards that may help (you will have to look for it, i forgot the web) but was tommy systems somethin
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