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Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---See normally i wouldn't aggree with that but man Pickles....FGS come on can't you find anything better....
Why the hell would you be afraid of pickles...omg go freaking shoot yourself if you are afraid of pickles, come on what the hell is a pickle gonna do to you?? <_<
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Squirt you in the eyeball.


--- Quote ---probably just times when they can't figure out anything else to do on the show so they hire actors to look like complete idiots with fake fears...
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They are definitely actors.

I didn't watch the pickle one because, like Anheg said, I've seen the basic stunt before, it's bullshit (like everything on those daytime talk shows).

However, I will say that I have a book which lists about 300 specific types of phobias, everything from various animals (typical) to religious phoebias like churches, God and even heaven. People can be afraid of books or of being cold or of knees!

I think the only cure of course is to force yourself to endure whatever your phobia is until you get over it or die trying. Worked for me and LSD, now we are best friends!

Link: The Phobias Page


PS the book I was talking about is The Order of Things by Barbara Ann Kipfer I highly recommend it as a reference book

Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote ---Link: The Phobias Page


--- End quote ---

Most amusing phoebias in the books:

--- Quote ---Aibohphobia: Fear of palindromes
Arachibutyrophobia: Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
Barophobia: Fear of gravity.
Cacomorphobia: Fear of fat people.
Dermatosiophobia: Fear of skin.
Eurotophobia: Fear of the color red; fear of blushing.
Hedonophobia: Fear of pleasure.
Linonophobia: Fear of string.
--- End quote ---

Anyone with Barophobia must be in a very bad position.

Phoebia deserving special mention:
Soceraphobia: Fear of parents-in-law.



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