Other > Random Ranting
Windows and the man behind it get embarased!
Soul Sojourner:
--- Quote ---Except when you steal the intellectual property of other companies and use it to drive that company out of business. Rinse and repeat. That's Bill Gate's mantra.
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Still doesn't make it a monopoly. There are other competitors.
--- Quote ---But how did he steal intellectual property from a company(my understanding is thats illegal), and why was he not sued big time for it?
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He has been sued multiple times by many companies, but he has enough money to pay them off.
Just a few examples:
-Word's spell check is actually a program called Grammatix, which was a 3rd party Windows 3.0 Word Perfect grammar checker.
-Anyone who used Norton Utilities before Windows 95 will recognize Window's disk defragentation progam.
-MS-DOS was an illegally altered and sold IBM operating system.
The list goes on and on but only us real old PC techs remember all the convoluted legal battles that Microsoft was able to tie these poor companies up in. However, some of us will never forget.
Just like the Hell's Angels, Microsoft can claim to be reformed and honest now but that doesn't excuse them from their past sins against humanity.
Bottom line here is if you can steal someone IP and get away with it then good for you. If they had enough money to settle lawsuits, then good for the companies who sued them because they obviously got paid off nicely and now happily live in beach side villas. If the actions of Microsoft against their competitors do not hurt the end consumer, which from how I see things it has not, then so be it. Plus Microsofts actions do not seem to be hurting society, in fact they seem to have the opposite effect. It is widely known that Bill Gates donates massive amounts of his fortune to humanitarian efforts. That's a lot more than can be said of others. If the world could be rid of some corporations, Microsoft would not be on the list, rather companies that have adverse effects on society such as the likes of Walmart and the oil cartel should go.
Everyone loves a good thief. That's why companies patent just about everything. So that companies like Microsoft who have deep pockets will infringe on their patents and pay them off in court. Geez the small companies probably dream about Microsoft stealing their tech, or being bought out by them. Please Bill Gates, please steal my IP so I can become rich. Good business practice if you ask me.
--- Quote ---Everyone loves a good thief.
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Only thieves and cheaters think that way. Bill Gates hurt society because his status and "success" have caused some people think what he did was fine, morally and economically. I may be an American but it doesn't mean I condone my county's complete lack of morals when it comes to business practices and politics.
--- Quote --- I may be an American but it doesn't mean I condone my county's complete lack of morals when it comes to business practices and politics.
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He means the majority of the countrys lack of morals. Don't insult all of us when its only true about most.
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