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Windows and the man behind it get embarased!

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Soul Sojourner:
If Bill Gates hadn't done all these "great" things, then someone better or worse would have. =)


--- Quote ---He's retiring from Microsoft in 2008
--- End quote ---

Funny, that's the year Microsoft has been forced to support Windows 98 to by the international courts.

--- Quote ---If Bill Gates hadn't done all these "great" things, then someone better or worse would have. =)
--- End quote ---

I'm confused, are you saying that stealing other people's technology and claiming it's your invention are both great things and something someone else would have done if Bill Gates didn't?

That is simply not true, it takes an exceptionally evil person to do the things Bill Gates did. He is a thief and a liar and he has apparently been able to convince some people that Microsoft developed all it's own technology.

I won't say who posted this quote or where but I think it's about time to post it here:

--- Quote ---"I'm constantly astonished that so few people connect thier computer security problems to Micrsoft as the source. If Microsoft had been responsible for building the New Orleans levy system, the city would be under 30 feet of water right now, and its residents would be paddling around in row boats blamming a lack of umbrellas for thier situation. Microsoft, of course, would be busy selling everyone umbrellas at a premium, vilifying water and promising to fix the situation with a new levy system composed of a 30-mile-diameter sealed concrete dome that nothing can get in or out of- especially the evil culprit, water! Meanwhile  the residents would be saying,"Well, it beats living in a row boat, and nobody else is doing anything about it," while forgetting that they paid Microsoft to build the levies that failed in the first place and not contemplating the obsurdity of living in a sealed dome becuase compared to their current situation it would be an improvement."
                                                                - Alex St. John, CPU Magazine
--- End quote ---


Soul Sojourner:
Nope 420, you completely misunderstood what I said. I don't know where I said anything at all about stealing technology!? I was simply saying, if Bill Gates hadn't revolutionized the computer industry, it is very likely someone else would have, perhaps in a different way, and may have done a worse or better job of it.

I really don't get that quote by Alex St. John.  As I mentioned, you can't blame Microsoft for being the sole company knowing how to properly market an OS.  If someone can't develop and market an alternative, then kindly stfu about Microsoft.  I wonder what OS Alex St. John was using as he was writing that comment.
Bill Gates and company brilliantly built a company from nothing, maybe they understood a few things better than the likes of IBM or maybe they were just lucky, but even so, you need way more than luck to properly manage a company that went through the growth that they did.  In fact they did such a good job that it took the government of the US to step in and make sure that Microsoft didnt end up becoming more powerful than the White House.  The story of Bill Gates should be required reading in high school.
Microsoft is under so much pressure from just about every government, that's it a wonder they can innovate anything at all.  If they do, all the competition starts screaming anti-trust.


--- Quote ---Bill Gates is more successful than anyone posting on this forum will *ever* be
--- End quote ---

That depends entirely on what your idea of success is.


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