Other > Random Ranting

Dude trying to cancel his AOL account

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Elessar Telrunya:
the ping pong boys are either physics majors or just have far too much time on their hands....hmmmm..... :rolleyes:



--- Quote ---the ping pong boys are either physics majors or just have far too much time on their hands....hmmmm..... :rolleyes:
--- End quote ---

Did you hear the guy near the end say, "That took forever."

Ah college students, nothing but time to kill.


Razor Blade:

--- Quote ---Did you hear the guy near the end say, "That took forever."

Ah college students, nothing but time to kill.

--- End quote ---

YUUUP pretty much

I was listening to this radio show while they were doing this clip to prove Rothlessberger (Steelers Quarterback) was a pu***.


Hah the site now blocks pussy


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