Other > Random Ranting
Could this possably be a good thing?
--- Quote ---And that would be a TRIPPLE post. There is an edit button, buddy.
Actually, a great deal of the words in the English language are acreditted to being first used enmass by Shakespeare. For instance, in his time, you could be alone, but they had no idea what it meant to be lonely until Shakespeare used it. Besides, he has extra credit since he's considered by many to probably be the best writer in English history.
--- End quote ---
word creation != pro-nun-see-ay-shun
I also coined a few words myself:
to muntilate - to make something normal look really ugly
plebulite - a really thick plebian
shitscape - a refuse tip
bushism - a retarded (usually political) statement
Great quote from Red Dwarf:
"Broadcast on all known frequencies, and in all known languages, including Welsh."
-Arnold Rimmer
Ser Red Ronnet Connington:
--- Quote ---Great quote from Red Dwarf:
"Broadcast on all known frequencies, and in all known languages, including Welsh."
-Arnold Rimmer
--- End quote ---
Does Red Dwarf get shown in the states ?
Soul Sojourner:
--- Quote ---And that would be a TRIPPLE post. There is an edit button, buddy
--- End quote ---
Soul Sojourner:
--- Quote ---And that would be a TRIPPLE post. There is an edit button, buddy
--- End quote ---
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